Apple has announced that as of the 20th of September this year, Mail Privacy Protection will come into force for their Mail app as part of the latest versions of their OS for devices (iOS 15 and iPad OS 15*). This will now stop us as senders from being able to collect information on users, like when the email was opened, and will mask a user’s IP address so that their location or other online activities cannot be tracked.
Users now have the option to either “Protect Mail activity” or “Don’t protect me”, meaning email recipients will have to make a choice on whether Apple can block IP addresses and location on mail tracking pixels. Those that choose to activate this new protect function cannot be tracked in terms of open rates which will affect your email KPIs. And because you’re not able to monitor where the email has been opened, this means it cannot be linked to a user’s other online activity.
This, however, should not be seen as a negative but as a push for us, marketeers, to look at our email campaigns from a different perspective and consider alternative metrics to the traditional open rate.
We recommend the following to improve email engagement:
*Mail Privacy Protection will not appear on MacBooks until the release of macOS Monterey which is due to be released by Apple later this year.