Mecc Alte
Mecc Alte faced several challenges before partnering with Youwe. Firstly, their data was fragmented and stored in different silos, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive and integrated view of customer information. This led to inefficiency and a lack of insight into customer behaviour.
Additionally, Mecc Alte had a division between marketing and sales, with both departments pursuing their own agendas and objectives. This resulted in a lack of collaboration and a fragmentation of efforts, leading to missed opportunities.
Mecc Alte also struggled with the absence of an automated marketing process, making it challenging to effectively track and convert leads. They lacked the tools and processes to provide leads with relevant information at the right moment. Therefore, it was a challenge to keep their existing customers engaged.
Mecc Alte were seeking a partner who could support them with taking sales and marketing to the next level; from implementing technologies to developing sophisticated marketing campaigns. Youwe supported Mecc Alte in setting up the relevant technologies, which provided the basis to be able to run smarter campaigns to engage and nurture prospects and customers.
Database enrichment for better audience insights
E-mail open rates (industry benchmark 25%)
E-mail click-through rates (industry benchmark 2.73%)
Our solution
A well-organised CRM is crucial for successful marketing automation. It forms the core of customer data management, providing a comprehensive client view. This streamlined CRM helps to track interactions, manage sales and nurture prospects effectively; a cornerstone of modern marketing.
Youwe played a pivotal role in ensuring that the CRM (Salesforce) was set up meticulously. This involved configuring user accounts, standard objects and tabs, and tailoring custom fields to unique needs. Additionally, the implementation of pipeline reporting and sales dashboards has been instrumental in providing valuable insights for data-driven decisions.
Introducing the Marketing Automation platform (Marketo) commenced with a Discovery process, to ensure there was agreement on the elements for the implementation.
Our approach involved creating an organised structure and naming conventions in Marketo, improving its usability. We also enhanced security with DKIM and SPF for email authentication, and provided ready-to-use email and landing page templates, enabling efficient campaign execution.
Once both Salesforce and Marketo were successfully implemented, integration became imperative, ensuring synchronised data flow and a unified system.
This integration helped to facilitate alignment between the sales and marketing teams. Through training, we clarified the responsibilities of both teams and fostered shared objectives. A scoring framework was developed, to determine when leads moved from Marketing to Sales.
We also introduced 'interesting moments' to notify sales of prospect engagement and 'Sales alerts' for new Marketing Qualified Leads. This further enhanced alignment and allowed sales to pick up the conversation at the right time.
With the underlying technology in place, Mecc Alte could run more sophisticated campaigns. We created versatile campaign frameworks for events and content promotion, easily cloned and updated for different campaigns.
We also collaborated on tailored campaigns, such as new product launches, utilising organic and paid social advertising to capture data through Marketo forms. This allowed us to engage opted-in contacts with detailed product information through advanced email nurture streams. Recent campaigns also leveraged Turtl, a content automation platform, for insight into prospect interactions with specific content.
The results